Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Ga tau kenapa, aku ngepens banget sama lagunya Demi Lovato, SKYSCRAPER.
Keren aja gitu, gedung pencakar langit... *Asek
Makanya tuh lagu inspired me to give the URL of my blog and the title of it. ^ ^

Helloo!!!! Welcome to my new blog. :B Actually, I already have a blog too, this is just because I'm boring girl so, yeah. I make one else. This is my other blog, click here.

Today, I'll just give a poem. :DDD Ohya, curhat dikit ya. *gubrak
I saw him yesterday. Ha-ha Of course, -_-" He and I are in the same school. And you know what? Love's blind, I agree that. Dia pake kacamata. ._. Since when...?

But, I don't care 'cause I was pounding when I saw him. O My God... (>_<) (0_0) (>_<) (0_0) *blink
Since when he uses glasses??
Tapi boaaam. :BB Tapi, seperti biasa, aku ga kuat liat dia lama-lama, jadi aku mondar mandir gelisah kayak kucing ngebet kawin. Jirr... wonder struck...
Sampe-sampe aku gambar baju yang dia pake kemaren. Jeez... Am I that crazy??

Ohya, pleaaaase dukung kita ya, anak-anak EIGHTANA (EIGHT ANdalusia A) menang di Lomba Phylox!! >< Amiiin... want to know the crazy day about "Class Meeting" and Phylox? Just visit my other blog. ^w^
FYI, Eightana udah menang di lomba Basket en futsal... hahaha yomaaaan Eightana gitu lohh. :P

Thanks, this is a poem. Go read! ^ ^
I got this from this URL: Poems Lovers

Love Like This
by Chelc
Late night talks
Thinking of memories
Who knew it would last this long
And you would fall in love with me

Holding me in your arms
Never letting go
Trusting every word I hear
Just because you told me so

Looking into your eyes
Fighting back the tears
Nothing bad has happened
But that is what i fear

You wipe my eyes and remind me
That I'm your dream come true
And you've never had a relationship
Like the one between me and you

So I continue to have the late night talks
And the feelings I have for you
Who knew that not only could you fall in love with someone
But become best friends too!

See You Later, guys! :D
Cheers, Annyeong!

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