"These violent delights have violent ends... and in their triumph die, like fire and powder... which, as they kiss, consume."
"Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I'll ever know. Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day."
"Terrified and worry... now it all no matters. I'm walking in the dark, stumbled and scattered, finding my own way home. To something, that will never have endings. To something, that'll last forever."
Long time, really.
Well, kalian pasti bertanya-tanya kenapa ada serangkaian quotes yang serba membingungkan...
Yah, faster is better.
Quote yang pertama, tepatnya, kuambil dari kutipan Romeo and Juliet, yang diperantarai sama novel remaja populer dan naik daun, Twilight Saga: New Moon. Yang kedua, aku kutip dari Film terkeren yang baru release tahun ini, bernama The Grey--dibintangin sama Liam Neeson.
Dan terakhir adalah...
Jangan kira itu ngopas, itu karya orang tau. --___-- *plakk
Yep, it's by myself.
Sebenernya, maksud posting kali ini mungkin lebih keee.... curhat, exactly.
Bukan curhat.
Jurnal aja deh.
Terserah lah! -___-"
Pokoknya... well, it was a good day. I studied in my new school, bla bla bla....
Ohya, belum pernah di ceritain tentang guruku ya?
Jadi ada guruku yang sebut aja namanya bu Oway.
Nah, si Bu Oway ini rada gekgek kalo kata orang sunda mah. Gimana yah?
Gitu weh, pokokna, dia teh...
Haha ohya, sekarang ganti topik.
Berkaitan dengan quotes diatas, aku jadi inget sama suatu problem.
They know about my secret. And you know what worst?
It because of myself.
*gigitin Mie Sedap segentong*
Aku ga tau orangnya udah tau apa belum.
Dan kalaupun misalnya udah, please tahu bahwa itu ga berarti apa-apaan kan buat kau? Jadi, shut up.
It's my life, don't bother.
Ohya, aku selalu pengen nyampein beberapa hal, khususnya ke cowok-cowok, dimanapun anda berada. *plak
"I really hate those boys... who likes a girl with her physic.
Who pretends that they're cool.
Who plays with girl's feelings.
Who pretends that they don't know.
I really hate those boys...
Who never be the way they are.
Who's ashamed if they can't be popular.
Who sells their good-looking easily.
I really hate those boys...
Who underestimates weak people.
Who doesn't have any tolerance.
Who never remember with their God.
Who's acting the way they want.
So, boys, start to change the bad one."
Well. I guess it's enough.
Bye, see u soon, great time! ;D
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