Hi guys.
Actually, I just warn you that this is my official blog and it's up to me about the contents right?
So... How are you? I'm empty now, and the first thing which came to my head was just only my blog so... you know.
First... you remember about my New Moon book right? I finally finished it. Well... although I had read it many times--from the four books, I think I favorite New Moon a lot :9--I always thrilled and want read it again and again... what I'm trying to say is just how can Stephenie Meyer make a great novel like that??
karakternya bener-bener kuat.. Suasana yang diciptain... wow. Really... awesome.
Well, aku suka karakter Jacob Black.
He described as a cheerful teenager, as Bella Swan could say, more than less like this: Jacob's basically cheerful and jovial nature is carried within him, like an aura pass it to anyone who is nearby.
Actually, I just warn you that this is my official blog and it's up to me about the contents right?
So... How are you? I'm empty now, and the first thing which came to my head was just only my blog so... you know.
First... you remember about my New Moon book right? I finally finished it. Well... although I had read it many times--from the four books, I think I favorite New Moon a lot :9--I always thrilled and want read it again and again... what I'm trying to say is just how can Stephenie Meyer make a great novel like that??
karakternya bener-bener kuat.. Suasana yang diciptain... wow. Really... awesome.
Well, aku suka karakter Jacob Black.
He described as a cheerful teenager, as Bella Swan could say, more than less like this: Jacob's basically cheerful and jovial nature is carried within him, like an aura pass it to anyone who is nearby.
I like this character so much because... I think I'd prefer a not-perfect character than a perfect one.
He's so plain, and make everyone around him very happy. But not far from the "fantasy" theme, he's a werewolf although he never want to be it.
Jangan tanya aku kenapa tiba-tiba ngomongin tentang New Moon atau Jacob Black, atau apapun...
Jangan tanya! Don't ask!
well, aku panik.
Okey, rasa keselku lebih kesel dari pada Bella mergokin Jacob naro motor di depan rumah Charlie. Lebih kesel dari Mama Baxter waktu tahu Jody miara anak rusa. Lebih kesel dari perselisihan antara Keluarga Montague dan Capulet.
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ANGRY. Well...
(I dunno why my stupid mouth can only say "well"!)
Okay. Let's just make these straight.
Actually, aku ga berniat marah. -_____- cuma lagi bad mood aja, that's all.
am I pretending that I'm okay?
All right!
Maaf kalo ngebingungin. -____-*
Ini karena dia(LAGI) dan entah kenapa.
Well... sebenernya aku gatau yang dia maksudin tuh siapa--dan aku gapernah bermaksud untuk kegeeran atau kepedean, bomat ah. Tapi... I just want to answer, IF I'm the one he meant to be.
Use English okay? Just pray that he doesn't understand (AMIN)
Langsung saja! -__________-*
He said something like this:
"If you say something in a BLOG, be objective... F***"
Okay. First, it's about F*** word.
Why does he always use it?
I REALLLY hate that word. -____-
Second, the blog word really wounded me.
So, if he meant was me--I said IF okay??--I'll answer it right now, in this second, at this...
"Okay, so what's your personal opinion about an arrogant, selfish, rude boy???"
All right.
Actually, all terrible.
Well. That's my first answer.
Second, he started again about a word sounded like this:
"D** this girl..."
Ha-ha! Got it again. -____-" Hey, actually, I'm trying to help you right here: to fix your bad manner, young man.
This is my answer.
"So, if a girl is a D**, then what are you? A grizzly, ugly bear?"
Seriously, I can play very hard. XP
Well. That's all. Pertama, MAAF and SORRY for all of the readers, yang jadi ikut-ikut kena pelampiasan. >/\< I didn't mean to do that, you know.
I'm relieved now. Funny, huh? XDD
Yeah... insane.
Well, guys, I guess that's all and I hope he read this. Well, not really hoping. -_-*
Well, see ya guys!!!
Love you! Cheers! *hug* :))
--Hanna F
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